Graduate Studies

Capstone project recreates Cuban Freedom Flights

A virtual reality project recreates the Cuban Freedom Flights.  By Barbara Gutierrez Noel Nuñez grew up listening to his Cuban-born parents talk about their emotional exodus from Cuba aboard the Freedom Flights, a refugee airlift that transported Cubans from the island to Miami from 1965 to 1973. Nuñez, who this month received a Master of Fine Arts in interactive media from the University of Miami School of Communication, decided to turn his parents’ memories into a virtual reality capstone project called “The Cuban Freedom Flights—A Mixed Reality Experience.” “I was [...]

2024-06-17T09:35:38-04:00June 17, 2024|Graduate Studies, Interactive Media|

School of Communication to Offer Graduate Student Opportunity Awards

The School of Communication is delighted to announce the Graduate Student Opportunity Awards, which are intended to benefit historically underserved or underrepresented populations. This new funding, which is available to students applying to SoC graduate programs for fall 2022, is intended to support the University of Miami's diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. Each award consists of 50% tuition remission per year (toward a maximum of 12 credits per year), allowing the recipient to complete their program at a significantly reduced tuition cost. Dr. Christina Lane, associate dean of Graduate Studies, [...]

2022-04-13T11:03:52-04:00April 13, 2022|Graduate Studies|