Immersive Media, B.S.C.

Undergraduate Program

About the Program

The Bachelor of Science in Communication in Immersive Media readies students for careers in content development, research, and development within the immersive media field. It equips them with knowledge in virtual reality, augmented reality technologies, immersive experiences, 3D modeling, game development engines, training and simulation, non-linear narratives, and design thinking. Students will apply these skills to create content in immersive media, conduct research, and refine storytelling techniques in this innovative medium. They’ll craft experiences for education, gaming, workforce development, healthcare, and entertainment across various industries. This is achieved by melding industry-standard design processes and aesthetic principles with cutting-edge technology. Students are expected to gain a solid grasp of immersive technologies’ historical, ethical, and practical aspects and understand the swiftly evolving technological landscape. Graduates can pursue roles as producers, creators, artists, immersive designers, software developers, and creative technologists in diverse fields.

This major offers two distinct tracks. The first, the Designer Track, is tailored for students aspiring to become artists and producers in the immersive media industry. The second track is a more technically-oriented Developer Track, developed in collaboration with computer science and engineering departments.

Full list of courses:

CIM 203 – Intro to Creative Coding

This course will introduce students to the building blocks of creative coding and will enable them to learn to create and communicate dynamic content and interfaces that can be deployed across platforms. Students will learn programming fundamentals that can be translated into virtually all programming settings.

CIM 458 – Immersive Storytelling

A hands-on course dedicated to designing, producing, and evaluating various virtual reality experiences. Through a wide selection of materials, including videos, 360° films, games, immersive experiences, articles, and presentations, students will develop a strong foundation for storytelling techniques, technologies, and best practices used across immersive media.

PHI 115. Social and Ethical Issues in Computing.

History, social context and methods and tools of analysis. Professional and ethical responsibilities. Intellectual property. Privacy and civil liberties.

CIM 423. Building Virtual Worlds.

The purpose of this course is to explore the construction of virtual environments. Students will learn the principles of constructing interactive 3D environments using a game engine. Students will be responsible for creating a world that can be interacted with on various platforms, including virtual and mixed reality.

CCA 523. Advanced 3D Character Design and Motion Capture.

This course covers the 3D game art development pipeline from modeling, texturing, rigging and animation to motion capture, and special effects.

CSC 329. Introduction to Game Programming.

Fundamental programming issues in game design: Software design; Version control; Basic graphics; GUI programming. Large-scale game project: Team development of a functional game; Graphics and GUI component; Networking component; Core game engine.

Showcase Your Talents

Students studying Immersive Media at the School of Communication have endless opportunities to showcase their talents to the world. From design competitions to creating virtual worlds to showcase at conferences, the avenues of experience are endless.

Ready to take the next step?