guest speaker

Watching Movies with Nadege Green: FRIDAY (1995)

Join Nadege Green and Bill Cosford Cinema manager Rene Rodriguez for a *free* screening and discussion of the 1995 comedy "Friday." Nadege Green is a writer, researcher, and audio producer. She is the founder and leader of Black Miami-Dade, an emerging online digital platform that resists the erasure of Miami-Dade’s Black past. She is also the editor of the final installment in “The Miami Trilogy,” a three-book project exploring contemporary Miami. This final edition will center on community narratives around gun violence in Miami-Dade including essays, poems, photos, and illustrations [...]

2022-11-28T11:50:54-05:00November 28, 2022|, , |

Steve Sadicario, Partner and Agent at United Talent Agency

Visit Wolfson 1008C, Studio C, to learn about the news business from Steve Sadicario, one of the top agents in broadcasting who also worked as a vice president at ABC News. Please send an email to Professor Antonio Mora at if you're attending.

2022-11-28T11:18:46-05:00November 28, 2022|, , , |

NY Mets Pre and Post-Game Live Host to Speak to SoC Students Interested in Sports Broadcasting

Gary Apple, host of Mets Pre and Post-Game Live for SNY, will speak to School of Communication students interested in sports broadcasting during Professor Antonio Mora's class in Studio C, 1008C. Visit to learn more about Apple.

2022-11-02T16:42:16-04:00November 2, 2022||

MMA Meeting: “The Sports Industry is the Intersection Between Law and Business”

By Andrea Tarrab In Oct. 2022, Ivan Parron joined the members of the Media Management Association on Zoom to discuss current issues in sports media law. Born in Miami and raised in a family of Cuban immigrants, he shared with members anecdotes about growing up in his household, his upbringing, and what led him to cultivate a great work ethic. Parron acknowledged that he was already interested in television technology at an early age. As part of his 25-year professional career, Parron worked in TV sales for Paxson Broadcasting, founded [...]

2022-11-01T13:17:49-04:00November 1, 2022|Media Management|

MMA Meeting: “Careers are not linear”

By Lee Shlomo Allison Blumenfeld, an alumna of the University of Miami and the first president of the Media Management Association (MMA), recently spoke to members of the MMA about her professional growth and transition since graduation, including her current position at Meta. In fact, learning and growth was a significant theme behind this meeting. Blumenfeld graduated from the University in 2014 with a B.S. in Media Management and History. During her time at the University, she first interned in a marketing role at TuneUp Media, a digital music company. [...]

2022-10-18T10:39:25-04:00October 18, 2022|Media Management|

Research in Progress Meeting with Victoria Orrego Dunleavy, Ph.D.

Addressing COVID-19 Misinformation and Resiliency Among Latinos Living with HIV: Formative Research Guiding the Latinos Unidos Microgame Intervention The effects of mitigation strategies including shelter-in-place orders and social distancing combined with the COVID "infodemic" disseminated by media may interact synergistically to worsen already compromised mental health outcomes and medical treatment of PLWH. We propose that a microgame intervention targeting individual resilience skill building and media literacy could be mobilized to protect the mental health of Latino PLWH as well as promote HIV care during the pandemic. Join Victoria Orrego Dunleavy, [...]

2022-09-08T15:11:00-04:00September 8, 2022||

Changes in the Advertising Sales Environment

By Melissa Mendez On March 15, Brian Norris, senior vice president of Ad Sales and Direct To Scale & Commerce Partnerships from NBCUniversal (NBCU), spoke to the members of the Media Management Association over Zoom to discuss the evolution of advertising sales throughout his career. Before joining NBCUniversal, Norris worked at Lifetime Television, Viacom, and Dish Network in advertising and media sales. During his last three years at NBCU, he has led the first direct-to-consumer sales team, which was designed to enable brands to scale from social platforms to ones [...]

2021-04-06T12:27:21-04:00April 6, 2021|Media Management|