cinematic arts

A summer college experience in high school leads to a double major at the U

A summer college experience in high school leads to a double major at the U Ana Santana pursued her passion for film through the University’s Pre-College Program as a junior in high school. Now a senior at the U, she is on track to graduate this year with a degree in film production and English. Senior Ana Santana, center, works on her thesis project, "Kung Fu Konundrum," which will be featured in the Canes Film Festival in May. By Amy Ellis 2-3-2025 This story originally appeared [...]

2025-02-11T09:54:40-05:00February 10, 2025|Motion Pictures, School of Communication|

Two lenses are better than one

Two lenses are better than one Rick Galli honed his talents as both writer and filmmaker while at the University of Miami, a combination that positioned him for unique success. Alumnus Rick Galli, shown here filming in Rwanda, credits his studies in film and creative writing with helping him achieve success in his career. Photos: Courtesy of Rick Galli By Michael R. Malone 1-23-2025 This story originally appeared at News@TheU. With 20 years as a filmmaker under his belt, alumnus Richard “Rick” Galli has worked on [...]

2025-02-11T09:55:02-05:00January 24, 2025|Motion Pictures, School of Communication|

University of Miami professor wins $50,000 grant from the Miami Film Festival

University of Miami professor wins $50,000 grant from the Miami Film Festival Communications professor Margaret Cardillo answers interview questions on Thursday Jan. 16, 2025 about her upcoming documentary "Jane Chastain: The Untold Story of the Nation’s First Female Sportscaster". Photo credit: Sophia Metzner staff photographer. By Samantha Rodriguez 1-22-2025 This story originally appeared in The Miami Hurricane Margaret Cardillo, an award-winning author, filmmaker and University of Miami professor, earned the top $50,000 prize from the Miami Film Festival’s The Louies competition, to create her upcoming documentary. The [...]

2025-02-11T09:55:11-05:00January 23, 2025|Motion Pictures, School of Communication|

United Black Students and UTrailblazers Canes Black History Film Festival

The School of Communication is pleased to announce the second annual United Black Students and UTrailblazers Canes Black History Film Festival. We seek short films that reflect on University of Miami’s rich Black History. We welcome short films on any aspect of Black History (including Black diasporic history) as well as films from any genre, including, but not limited to documentary, news, comedy, experimental, and drama. Thematically, we invite short films that reflect on Blackness, broadly construed. We are particularly interested in films that are based on contents in the [...]

Call for submissions – Canes Black History Film Festival

The School of Communication is pleased to announce the second annual United Black Students and UTrailblazers Canes Black History Film Festival. We seek short films that reflect on University of Miami’s rich Black History. We welcome short films on any aspect of Black History (including Black diasporic history) as well as films from any genre, including, but not limited to documentary, news, comedy, experimental, and drama. Thematically, we invite short films that reflect on Blackness, broadly construed. We are particularly interested in films that are based on contents in the [...]

Film Professor Shares 4 Must-Watch LGBTQ Media for Pride 2024

In celebration of Pride Month 2024, Dr. Alfred Martin, associate professor in the Department of Cinematic Arts, shares four must-watch LGBTQ films and shows. Dr. Martin, a scholar of Media Studies, has authored several books including The Generic Closet: Black Gayness and the Black-Cast Sitcom as well as Rolling: Blackness and Mediated Comedy. His course, Queer Media Studies, equips students with a comprehensive understanding of the history and development of U.S. LGBTQ media by focusing on media production, sociocultural context, media reception, and texts. In curating his list, Dr. Martin [...]

2024-06-13T12:01:08-04:00June 12, 2024|Motion Pictures|