School of Communication

Alumnus Tim Sparks writes and directs HBO film “AMARAICA”

By: Bianca De Paz Master of Fine Arts alumnus, a writer and director of the multiple award-winning film, Tim Sparks, recently worked on his latest full feature, “AMARAICA.” The movie, which takes place in Texas, California, and Mexico, will be streaming on HBO in September 2021. At the time, Sparks created this film due to the U.S. government’s ‘Zero Tolerance’ child separation policy at Mexico's border. Since he is a father and having dealt with this personally in the past with his own undocumented family members, he felt that this was a story that he really connected to.   “As [...]

2021-02-18T13:10:21-05:00February 16, 2021|Motion Pictures, School of Communication|

Sophomore Launches Magazine to Amplify Black Voices

By: Jenny Hudak Julian Crosby established Gravity Magazine, the University’s first student publication dedicated to highlighting and uplifting Black experiences. As the credits to Ava DuVernay's 13th rolled in Julian Crosby's sociology class, his creative mind whirled as he marveled at the power of storytelling. Crosby, a Hammond Scholar, Foote Fellow, and honors student studying motion pictures in the School of Communication, often draws inspiration from others to share compelling stories. Producers like DuVernay, activists like Martin Luther King Jr., and even writer and YouTube star Issa Rae fuel his passion [...]

2021-02-10T11:10:04-05:00February 10, 2021|School of Communication|

The Career Conversations Series is Back with Alumni Guest Speaker James Dorgan

By: Karina Valdes The Career Conversations Series kicks off the spring semester with alumni guest speaker James Dorgan, B.M. ‘90, vice president of music business affairs & legal at The Walt Disney Company. Hosted by The Stein Family Office of Career Services and Internships at the School of Communication, The Career Conversations Series brings together students and working professionals to network, providing an opportunity for students to ask questions and learn about a variety of careers. The conversation with Dorgan takes place on Wed., Feb. 10, at 1: 30 p.m. [...]

2021-02-03T14:50:32-05:00February 3, 2021|School of Communication|

The Washington Post’s Editor Announces Plans to Retire

By: Barbara Gutierrez Martin Baron has made a major impact on American journalism and has spearheaded three major national newspapers. Members of the University of Miami community comment on his legacy. When the history of American journalism is written, the name of Martin “Marty” Baron will be featured prominently. He has had a strong influence on many prominent newspapers, and he led The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, and the Miami Herald to many Pulitzer Prizes. Now, Baron has announced that he will retire on Feb. 28 from his role [...]

2021-02-03T12:54:31-05:00February 3, 2021|Journalism, School of Communication|

Groundbreaking Situation Comedy Leaves its Imprint

By: Mitchell Shapiro A professor in the School of Communication, and an expert on the history of television sitcoms, writes about the 50th anniversary of “All in the Family.” Television changed forever on Jan. 12, 1971, with the debut of Norman Lear's groundbreaking series, “All in the Family.” Viewers had never been introduced to a character like Archie Bunker, whose ethnic slurs and Neanderthal social viewpoints might have been commonplace in the blue collar, white male dominated taverns of the Queens (New York) neighborhood where the series was set. However, [...]

2021-01-12T12:55:00-05:00January 12, 2021|Media Management, School of Communication|

Special Topics for Spring 2021 Announced

Listed below are the special topics courses offered during spring 2021 at the School of Communication. Please consult CaneLink, the instructor of record, and/or your adviser for more information. CCA – Special Topics in Cinematic Arts CCA 394 section GJ – Film History Seminar: This course offers an opportunity to explore world cinema in depth, closely looking at three significant cinematic movements or schools in relation to their diverse historical, social, cultural and political contexts. This spring will focus on Italian Neo-Realism, the French New Wave, and classical Hollywood cinema. CCA [...]

2020-11-20T12:10:15-05:00November 17, 2020|School of Communication|

UM Professor Awarded Fellowship, Plans Special Art Project

By: Jabria Roscoe Ali Habashi, award winning documentary filmmaker and assistant professor of professional practice for the Department of Cinematic Arts, is a recipient of the University of Miami Fellowship in the Arts and Humanities for 2020. This highly selective award strives to support and fund the startup of new artistic projects, advance already existing ones, and enhance University of Miami’s reputation for scholarly and creative excellence. This fiscal year, 12 Fellowships in the Arts and Humanities were awarded. “I’m humbled to be trusted by the selection committee to carry [...]

2020-10-21T13:40:15-04:00October 21, 2020|Motion Pictures, School of Communication|

Opinion: Vice-Presidential Debate Expected to Draw a Big Audience

By: David L. Steinberg and Patrick E. Waldinger The University of Miami debate team coaches note that the age of the presidential candidates, President Donald Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis, and the uncertainty of 2020 are elevating the vice-presidential debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris. In the wake of last week’s “Presidential Debate Debacle” and the shocking news that President Donald Trump tested positive for COVID-19, Wednesday night’s event may be a rare vice-presidential debate that gets a substantial audience. With the real possibility the last two presidential debates will be [...]

Lecture Explores the Media’s Role in an Election Year

By: News@TheU Prominent alumni in the media will offer insights into their work during the Distinguished Alumni Lecture Series’ virtual talk on Thursday, Oct. 8. The media has a profound effect on public opinion in an election year. They also have a great responsibility. Whether reporting on candidates and campaigns, providing a platform for debate and discussion, or educating voters, the media is a critical player during an election year. The Distinguished Alumni Lecture Series will bring together notable University of Miami alumni on Thursday, Oct. 8 at 6 p.m. [...]

2020-10-06T13:42:44-04:00October 6, 2020|School of Communication|

Opinion: Presidential Debate was ‘Incoherent

By: Zachary M. Homeijer The president of the University of Miami Debate Team provides his analysis of the first presidential debate between President Donald J. Trump and former Vice President Joseph Biden. What the presidential debate lacked—civility and productive discussion—the University of Miami Debate Team was able to accomplish easily during a virtual watch party of Tuesday night's debate. Our team had the opportunity to partner with the Commission on Presidential Debates to offer a pre-debate show featuring a question-and-answer session with professors David Steinberg and Patrick Waldinger, directors of the team, and [...]