
Hurricane Katrina, Behind the Headlines

Ten years ago, Professor Joseph B. Treaster led The New York Times’ coverage of Hurricane Katrina, one of the worst disasters in American history. Professor Treaster, who had been covering hurricanes for years, was one of the few reporters from a major news organization in New Orleans when the storm hit in late August, 2005 and he stayed with the story for days, working nearly around the clock, scavenging food and water, catching naps on a cot in the emergency operations center at City Hall.  As Professor Treaster tried to [...]

UM Publications Win Mark of Excellence Awards

The Mark of Excellence awards honor the best journalism students. Awarded by the Society of Professional Journalists, students in print, radio, television and online collegiate journalism are recognized. To be eligible for this award, students cannot have had full-time or professional journalism experience except for internships. The contest is open to all college students studying journalism either in the U.S. or internationally. Entries are judged on accuracy and completeness, originality and creativity, adherence to high journalistic standards, significance and effectiveness, clarity, insight and respect for the audience, creative use of [...]

2019-12-17T19:39:31-05:00August 22, 2015|Broadcast Journalism, Journalism|

Beloved Journalism Professor Alan Prince Passes Away

For more than two decades, Alan Prince drilled School of Communication students at the University of Miami in journalistic writing, editing and history. To each class, say students, faculty and administrators, he brought a keen sense of integrity, knowledge and professional know-how. Prince, who retired from the university in 2000, suffered a fall in March after which he contracted the flu and pneumonia.  In and out of the hospital and rehabilitation centers for the past three months, Prince died under the care of a family friend on June 17. “I [...]

New Media Workshop Attracts – and Nurtures – New Talent

Within an hour of arriving on campus July 5, the students in this year’s Peace Sullivan/James Ansin High School Journalism and New Media Workshop settled on the issue that would consume them for the next three weeks: how climate change will affect South Florida. Now more than half way through the residential summer program, many of the students are as passionate about educating their peers about the threat rising seas pose to their futures as they are about pursuing careers in journalism. “Our research showed that by 2060 sea levels [...]

Professor Edward Julbe Receives 2015’s Robert and Christine Staub Faculty Excellence Award

Edward Julbe, professor and faculty adviser to SportsDesk, is the recipient of the 2015 Robert and Christine Staub Faculty Excellence Award for Outstanding Achievement in Effective Teaching at the University of Miami School of Communication. The Staub Faculty Excellence Award, an endowed gift from UM alumnus Robert Staub, B.B.A.’56, and his wife, Christine, recognizes a School of Communication faculty member for effectiveness in teaching, advising, mentoring, and service roles in and outside the classroom. Students and alumni nominate a deserving professor and a school committee selects the recipient. "It was truly unexpected [...]

2019-12-17T19:37:34-05:00August 22, 2015|Journalism|

Professor Joseph B. Treaster, Writing in The New York Times

Professor Joseph B. Treaster, in the Department of Journalism and Media Management, worked as a reporter and foreign correspondent for The New York Times for more than 30 years before joining the University of Miami faculty. After coming to Miami, he edited The Times’ Eye of the Storm hurricane blog, managed a team of weather experts around the country and wrote frequently for Eye of the Storm. His latest contribution to The Times was an interview with Dr. David W. Breneman, an economist and former dean of the School of [...]

A Special Message for Supporters of the SoC

This past year, alumni, parents, and friends of the University of Miami have invested their time and money to help make extraordinary enhancements in the lives our students. Watch this special report produced by our very own School of Communication students at our UMTV studios.

Four Decades of Giving: A Model Alumna’s Unwavering Support of the U

Twenty-three years after graduating the University of Miami, the ties that drew School of Communication alumna, Jeanne Wolf A.B. ’61, to her alma mater ran deep. That spring of 1984, she established the Jeanne Wolf Scholarship Fund — an award to help make a UM education accessible to a deserving School of Communication student. Her generosity did not go unreciprocated. The very first recipient of her scholarship, Michael Robin, graduated in 1985 and went on to produce some of Hollywood’s biggest television hits, such as Nip/Tuck and The Closer. Her [...]

SoC Student and Faculty Member Take Part in the Ninth Salzburg Academy on Media and Global Change

Seventy-six students from 20 countries on five continents came together with three major global partners in Salzburg, Austria this month with one shared goal: to discover how digital media can tackle issues of both local and global concern.  The international cohort of the Salzburg Academy on Media and Global Change, together with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre and Global Voices, and led by academic, development and media experts, sought to develop innovative media tools to better understand media literacy and address challenges [...]

The Miami Hurricane Takes First Place at the Sunshine State Awards

The Miami Hurricane, UM’s student-run newspaper, won first place in two categories at the 21st annual Sunshine State Awards held on Saturday, August 15. Winning the top award for Best Student Publication (High Frequency) and Best Website (High Frequency), The Miami Hurricane staff’s hard work was recognized during the statewide contest sponsored by the Society of Professional Journalists Florida Pro Chapter. Faculty adviser to The Miami Hurricane Ileana Oroza began working with the staff in 2014. “It's very nice to have SPJ reward the hard work of our student journalists. [...]