
Gold Crowns for Ibis and Distraction

University of Miami’s printed editions of the 2014-2015 Distraction magazine and 2015 Ibis yearbook were named Gold Crown winners by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA) at Columbia University during the College Media Association conference in New York City on March 13.  “This is a wonderful tribute to the two staffs. I am thrilled and honored to be able to work with such a talented and dedicated group of University of Miami students,” said Randy Stano, the editorial adviser for the two publications. Ibis was one of three college Gold [...]

2019-12-17T19:35:09-05:00March 15, 2016|Journalism|

Ibis Wins Awards from ACP, CSPA

Ibis, University of Miami’s yearbook, was named one of the 14 college yearbook Pacemaker Finalists by the Associated Collegiate Press for its issue from the 2014 – 2015 academic year. According to Randy Stano, the editorial adviser for Ibis, the yearbook has received 13 Pacemaker Finalists and has won eight Pacemaker Awards. This is the top honor that a publication can receive from ACP. “This is outstanding news for the entire staff for all the hard work. The dedication and long hours have paid off,” Stano said. The editor-in-chief for [...]

2019-12-17T19:35:34-05:00March 7, 2016|Journalism|

With an Iron Arrow and Dose of Deception, Honor Society Taps 31 New Members

Journalism Professor Sam Terilli was waiting, impatiently, in the School of Communication courtyard Thursday morning for a meeting with a couple of University of Miami trustees and potential donors. They were late and he was ready to leave. He had a class to teach. But Terilli, the second vice chair of the Faculty Senate and chair of the Department of Journalism and Media Management, would not make it to his class. Instead, he was about to become one of 31 new members inducted into the Iron Arrow Honor Society. As [...]

World Information Architecture Day Comes to School of Communication

University of Miami School of Communication is hosting World Information Architecture Day (WIAD) on Saturday, Feb. 20, 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.  The event brings together a diverse community of information architects, user experience designers, content strategists, product managers, developers, scholars, and students to share their experience in designing information in a manner that is useful. The full day occasion will celebrate WIAD along with 69 other locations across the globe. This year’s theme is Information Everywhere, Architects Everywhere. Featuring keynote speaker Richard Saul Wurman, the event has a line up [...]

CSPA Recognizes Ibis Yearbook as a Crown Finalist

The Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA) named University of Miami’s 2015 Ibis yearbook a Crown Finalist. Edited by School of Communication graduate Holly Bensur, ‘15 B.S.C, the Ibis is one of four college yearbooks that will receive a Crown in March at the College Media Association (CMA) conference in New York City. All Crown finalists are winners, with some publications receiving Gold Crowns and others Silver Crowns. During the CSPA ceremony at the CMA conference, the Ibis staff will learn whether they will receive a Gold or Silver Crown. The [...]

University of Miami Student Publications Garner Top Awards from The Associate Collegiate Press

Austin, Texas, a city known for keeping it hip, welcomed the nation’s leading college media outlets to the annual ACP/CMA National College Media Convention in November. University of Miami’s yearbook, Ibis, magazine, Distraction, and newspaper, The Miami Hurricane, received awards at this year’s convention. The 2014 Ibis yearbook won a Pinnacle College Media Award for College Yearbook of the Year for 2015 from the College Media Association (CMA) and their ninth Pacemaker from the Associated Collegiate Press (ACP). 
“UM is very lucky to have a dedicated Ibis yearbook staff that [...]

First Recipient of Steven Joel Sotloff Scholarship Announced

In September of 2014, Steven Joel Sotloff, a journalist from South Florida, lost his life at the hands of Islamic State group militants. On Sunday, his parents Arthur and Shirley Sotloff, stood on the field of Sun Life Stadium minutes before their son’s beloved Dolphins took the field, and fearlessly showed the world that Steven’s legacy lives on.  UM sophomore Carlen Dickerson, the first recipient of the Steven Joel Sotloff Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund, was presented with a $2,500 scholarship before the start of the Dolphins versus Ravens game. “Carlen [...]

Media Management Association Meeting: Rentrak Television Services

In the U.S. competitive television business, Nielsen, more than any other research company, symbolizes and dominates audience measurement. But since the announced acquisition of Rentrak by comScore in September 2015, which still needs approval by government authorities, the Rentrak-comScore combination will seek to challenge Nielsen's supremacy. While Rentrak specializes in moviegoing and television viewing measurement, comScore focuses on online audiences. Given this context, the Media Management Association (MMA) was particularly fortunate to welcome Dawne Richards, Rentrak's Product Senior Vice President, to speak to its members on December 1. Not only [...]

Drawing Out Big Data for the Public Good

Computational science and journalism students dive deep into data and discover new ways to visually represent their findings to non-scientific audiences. If you’ve ever spent time analyzing financial reports at a corporate meeting, or analyzing reports from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, you likely enjoy the process more when the data is accompanied by interactive graphics to illuminate key findings. Yet who exactly conceives and creates all of the detailed charts, maps, and infographics that appear regularly in newspapers to break down complex topics such as The New York Times report [...]

David Jordan from the BBC Speaks to SoC Faculty and Students

David Jordan, the director of editorial policy and standards at the BBC, met with students and faculty this week to discuss news and the media. Jordan’s visit to the University of Miami was made possible by the School of Communication’s London Summer study abroad program. Students who are a part of this program will meet with Jordan again in London, where he will show them the news room of the BBC, as well as introduce them to editors and reporters and teach them about the business side of broadcasting. While [...]