Communication Studies

President Donna Shalala Answers Student Media Questions About New Health Care Law

University of Miami President Donna Shalala held a press conference with student journalists earlier this week to talk about the opening of health insurance exchanges on Oct. 1. Representatives from The Miami Hurricane, UMTV, WVUM, Ibis Yearbook and Distraction Magazine had a half-hour with Shalala, the former U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, to discuss the Affordable Care Act and how it will impact students. During the question-and-answer session, Shalala urged students to check whether they are eligible for affordable health care through the marketplace. The press conference, timed [...]

What’s New and What’s Next for the SoC

It was an exciting year in the School of Communication. A number of new initiatives began, student groups excelled in competition and the School continues to grow to be a leader in the field around the world. Check out the highlights in this year-end video!

Annual Awards Ceremony Honors Students, Alumnus, Faculty and Staff

The School of Communication honored its outstanding students, alumni, faculty and staff on May 9 at its Annual Awards Ceremony. Dean Gregory Shepherd presented the awards amid family, friends, faculty and staff at a reception at the Student Activities Center. Catie Staszak, who graduated in broadcast journalism and spoke at the School's commencement ceremony, received the School's Outstanding Senior Award. Italome Ohikhuare, an MFA in Motion Pictures whose thesis project, The Mermaid, is a film about schizophrenia, was honored as Outstanding MFA Student. Funing Tang, a doctoral student whose dissertation, Acting as Being: Ingrid [...]

Communication Studies Students Honored

Communication Studies students were honored on May 1 for their achievements throughout the year.  Brenda Fernandez was recognized as The Communication Studies Outstanding Senior Award, and the Frazier White Outstanding Communication Studies Student award was received by Krystal Acosta. The following Communication Studies majors were inducted into Lambda Pi Eta, the National Communication Association’s official honor society at four-year colleges and universities: Elia Isabel Briceno Ketchum Krystal A. Acosta Brenda Fernandez Jonathan Kwan Santiago Joaquin Castillo Ciaran R. Quille Andrea Martinez Gonzalez As an accredited member of the Association of [...]

2019-12-17T19:43:53-05:00June 2, 2014|Communication Studies|

Celebrate Achievement At The School of Communication Annual Awards Ceremony

Students, alumni, faculty and staff will be honored at the School of Communication Annual Awards Celebration from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday, May 9 in the third floor activities rooms at the Student Activities Center, 1330 Miller Drive in Coral Gables. The celebration will honor outstanding undergraduate and graduate students, as well as faculty members and staff who have excelled in the 2013-2014 academic year.  To attend, please RSVP to by May 1 or contact Irmina Sheridan at 305 284-3420

SoC To Host Chicas Poderosas Interactive Storytelling Workshop

Chicas Poderosas — an organization dedicated to empowering Latin American women journalists to excel in visual storytelling, data visualization and interactive media with hands-on skills training — will hold its first workshop in the United States from April 17 to 20 in Miami. The final two days of the event will be hosted at the University of Miami School of Communication, and SoC students and faculty will participate. Chicas Poderosas was founded in 2013 by the International Center for Journalists’ Knight Fellow Mariana Santos to improve the skills of women [...]

UM Debate Organizes Sunshine State Showdown

In order to generate more opportunities for debate competition closer to home, and to promote the growth on debate programs in Florida, UM Debate led the organization of the first Sunshine State Showdown Intercollegiate Debate Tournament, held at the University of Central Florida in Orlando on October 12.The tournament was hosted by UCF, and run by David Steinberg, UM’s director of debate, and Patrick Waldinger, assistant director of debate. The University of Florida, Florida State University, the University of South Florida, the University of Central Florida and the University of [...]

UM Debate ranked No. 11 nationally, competes at West Point

The first National Intercollegiate Debate Rankings for 2013 have been posted, and The University of Miami Debate Team is ranked among the nation’s elite.  In the National Debate Tournament (NDT) rankings, UM placed 11th (of 115 member schools), and the Cross Examination Debate Association (CEDA) rankings place UM at #12.  UM is second in the Southeast Region to Wake Forest, who is ranked 6th by the NDT and 5th by CEDA. Rankings are based on an accumulation of ballots won across all divisions of debate. The team also traveled to [...]

2019-12-17T19:48:58-05:00April 7, 2014|Communication Studies|

Debate Team Rises to No. 8 in National Rankings

By David L. Steinberg On the wave of another outstanding tournament performance at Vanderbilt this weekend, The University of Miami Debate Team has moved up to No. 8 in the National Debate Tournament Rankings, up from No. 11 in the previous ranking.  UM currently leads traditional powerhouses Northwestern, Harvard, Vanderbilt, Emory, and more than 100 other schools.  We trail only No. 5 Wake Forest in the Southeast region.  UM is ranked No. 11 in the Cross Examination Debate Association rankings.  Both rankings reward points based on ballots won across all [...]

2019-12-17T19:48:22-05:00April 7, 2014|Communication Studies|

Barbecue Unites Alumni and Students for Homecoming

By Emily Young On Friday, Nov. 8, students, alumni, faculty, staff, and family gathered in the School of Communication courtyard to catch up and enjoy a barbecue. Alumni were back in town for the Homecoming weekend and many brought family  to see their alma mater, old classmates and professors.  The event allowed for current students to mingle and network with alumni from all fields and to hear about their experiences in the workforce. Professors were delighted to see recent graduates in town for the weekend and hear about their careers [...]