“The Audacity of Beauty,” a 25-year retrospective of photographer and photojournalism lecturer Maggie Steber’s work in Haiti, will be presented on Thursday, Feb. 20 at 6 p.m. at the Otto G. Richter Library.
Steber has documented her journey with Haiti through social and political upheaval, capturing unique moments that describe the beauty of the Haitian people, and sharing them with the world.
Steber will share her 25-year relationship with Haiti in “The Audacity of Beauty,” an event at the University of Miami Libraries Special Collections. There will be an opening reception followed by a discussion with Steber about the experiences from her photographic journey, and of finding beauty in the face of tragedy.
She has worked as a photographer for Newsweek, and as director of photography at The Miami Herald. Her work has also appeared in publications such as National Geographic, The New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker, and The London Sunday Times. Steber’s work has exhibited internationally throughout her career.
Steber’s large-format prints are on view throughout February in The Truth Marches On, an exhibition commemorating Black History Month in the Otto G. Richter Library. For more information or to RSVP, please contact asc.library@miami.edu or 305-284-3247.