The School of Communication has added two new special topics classes to its fall schedule where students can explore how communication can be used to help communities.

Communicating COVID-19: Social Justice Research, Action, and Impact offers students an opportunity to implement community-based projects founded on communication theory, research and practice. Students will be able to use their skills as researchers, communicators, and storytellers to join the unprecedented global response to the humanitarian crisis unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The class will leverage the diverse talents of professors from across the School during class sessions that showcase how communication as a discipline can improve recovery, reform, and resiliency. This special topics class meets Thursdays, 3:30-6:15 p.m., and can be found under COM406/609. For more information, contact Sallie Hughes, associate professor, at

Podcast Storytelling is a class offered jointly between the Departments of Cinematic Arts and Journalism and Media Management. The class is designed to teach students how to tell compelling audio narratives that appeal to both the South Florida community and a national audience, with a focus on local stories that carry national implications. Students will be taught the technical aspects of creating a podcast, as well as how to best organize and structure the content for audio consumption. The class is team taught by Trevor Green, lecturer from the Department of Journalism and Media Management, and Jim Virga, professor from the Department of Cinematic Arts. All levels of experience are welcome. This special topics class can be found under CCA 594/795 and JMM 592/692. This class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. For more information, contact Jim Virga at or Trevor Green at

Below is a complete list of Special Topics classes offered in the summer and fall:

Special Topics Summer 2020

  • COS 391-Y19B/391-Y19U: Interview Skills
  • COS 591-Y19U/591-Y19B/691-Y19G: Civil Discourse in an Uncivil Time
  • COS 691-Y191: Communication Advocacy
  • JMM 206-Y191: Producing Digital Content
  • JMM 306/692-Y191: iPhone Creativity Class
  • JMM 592/692-Y192: Podcasting

Special Topics Fall 2020

  • CCA 394-Q: Radical Black Cinema
  • CCA 394-5U: Cinema of the 1980s
  • CCA 394-4K: Introduction to Animation
  • CCA 594/795-4J: Professional Development
  • CCA 594/795/JMM 592/692-P: Podcast Storytelling
  • CCA 594/795-4H: Science Doc: Music and the Brain
  • CIM 489/689-37: Introduction to photogrammetry and 3D scanning
  • COM 406/609-1S: Communicating COVID-19: Social Justice Research, Action, and Impact
  • COS 391/691-6R: Com in romantic relationships
  • JMM 306/692-4G: iPhone Photo Illustrations
  • JMM 307/692-36: Mobile Journalism
  • JMM 409/692-R: Advanced Feature Design
  • JMM 442/692-2J: Online Journalism
  • JMM 592/692-5J: Media Sustainability
  • JMM 592/632-6T: Current Issues in Media
  • JMM 592-32: Introduction to After Effects
  • JMM 592/692-51: Data Visualization Studio
  • STC 290-R: Media Literacy in Strategic Communication
  • STC 437/629-T: PR Politics & Perception
  • STC 493/629-2T: Women in PR