the miami hurricane

Orange Umbrella’s Super Bowl ad shows Doritos are the chip that counts

Orange Umbrella’s Super Bowl ad shows Doritos are the chip that counts Orange Umbrella’s Ian Mavorah, Ava Prinzo and Liam Kirkpatrick at UM’s School of Communication on Feb. 4, 2025. Photo Credit // Ethan Dosa. By Samantha Rodriguez 2-19-2025 This story originally appeared in The Miami Hurricane Doritos have been a staple Super Bowl snack for decades. The University of Miami’s Orange Umbrella reinvented the iconic brand as not just a chip, but a lifestyle in the student-run ad agency’s ad submission for Doritos’ Crash the Super [...]

2025-02-21T14:58:57-05:00February 21, 2025|School of Communication|

University of Miami professor wins $50,000 grant from the Miami Film Festival

University of Miami professor wins $50,000 grant from the Miami Film Festival Communications professor Margaret Cardillo answers interview questions on Thursday Jan. 16, 2025 about her upcoming documentary "Jane Chastain: The Untold Story of the Nation’s First Female Sportscaster". Photo credit: Sophia Metzner staff photographer. By Samantha Rodriguez 1-22-2025 This story originally appeared in The Miami Hurricane Margaret Cardillo, an award-winning author, filmmaker and University of Miami professor, earned the top $50,000 prize from the Miami Film Festival’s The Louies competition, to create her upcoming documentary. The [...]

2025-02-11T09:55:11-05:00January 23, 2025|Motion Pictures, School of Communication|

Fascinated by journalism

By Barbara Gutierrez Whether it is reporting about the largest reggaeton festival in the United States, interviewing three survivors of the Hamas attack on Israel or delving into the lack of freedom of the press in Guatemala, Caroline Val is always ready for the task at hand. A natural storyteller with boundless energy and curiosity, Val has honed her skills with continuous hard work in her chosen field of journalism. Her love of journalism colors everything she does, from her work on The Miami Hurricane newspaper, her freelance work with [...]

2024-05-07T10:19:26-04:00May 7, 2024|Journalism|

Award-winning year for the School of Communication

By Barbara Gutierrez It has been a stellar year for the University of Miami student publications and media outlets of the School of Communication. Altogether the publications and student-led television shows have garnered an impressive number of awards. The Ibis yearbook received a Pacemaker award for 2023 by the Associated Collegiate Press (ACP) at the University of Minnesota at the ACP National Conference in La Jolla, California. The Ibis yearbook also received the Best of Show Yearbook at the conference. The Pacemaker is considered one of the most prestigious prizes in [...]

Student Media Reporters Steel Themselves for their Biggest Story Yet

By: Ashley A. Williams The reporting teams at The Miami Hurricane and UMTV seize the opportunity to tell their stories during a global pandemic. Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures. People all over the world are quarantined in their homes, relying on journalists to bring them up-to-the-minute news about the novel coronavirus. Along with the rest of the media world, the University of Miami’s emerging journalists and reporters have adjusted to sheltering at home while simultaneously documenting the biggest story of their lives—the global COVID-19 pandemic. Students Rebecca Goddard, editor-in-chief [...]

2020-04-14T14:42:09-04:00April 14, 2020|School of Communication|