interactive media

Are Automated Software Applications Efficient or Malicious Malware?

Two technology experts with the University of Miami explain the origins of “bots” and their role on the internet today. By: Janette Neuwahl Tannen Bots. They’ve been blamed for influencing public opinion during recent elections or simply annoying users who are scrolling through their chosen social media feed. So, what are they? University of Miami computer scientist Ching-Hua Chuan, a research associate professor in the School of Communication’s Interactive Media Department, said bots are simply software programs designed to complete a specific task. Some of the first bots were web [...]

2020-07-06T15:21:09-04:00July 6, 2020|Interactive Media|

Joining Forces to Give Back: SoC Graduate Student And Professor Make Masks And Face Shields For Frontline Workers

By: Isabella Vaccaro It all began with Lorena Lopez, a UM graduate student pursuing an M.F.A. in Interactive Media, and some leftover materials she had laying around her home. Lopez, a long-time seamstress and costume designer, said after a few days in quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic, she noticed a dire need for masks around the world and various groups coming together to make them. “If people are requesting them, and I can make them, there’s no reason for me not to, especially if I have all the materials at [...]

2020-04-22T12:19:10-04:00April 22, 2020|Interactive Media, School of Communication|