
New U-LINK Projects Aim to Improve Health Care, Find Novel Uses for Fish Waste

By Janette Neuwahl Tannen University of Miami faculty members on four newly funded U-LINK projects hope to provide effective solutions to challenging societal problems. Learning to use fish waste to create more eco-friendly concrete. Creating a better model for former inmates with health conditions to reenter society without having to worry about finding a new doctor. These are just two of the ideas that four new teams of researchers from subject areas across the University of Miami will investigate for a year through the University Laboratory for Integrative Knowledge (U-LINK) program. Started [...]

2023-03-01T11:49:10-05:00February 28, 2023|Broadcast Journalism, Journalism, Media Management|

Violence Against Journalists Strikes Florida

By Megan Ondrizek and Jenny Hudak Faculty members at the School of Communication discuss threats journalists face in the field after a television reporter with Spectrum News 13 in Orlando was killed while on assignment Wednesday afternoon. Sallie Hughes has been studying violence against journalists, especially in Mexico, since the early 2000s. “During that time, types of violence against journalists became more diverse and widespread,” said Hughes, professor and associate dean at the University of Miami School of Communication. The violence hit much closer to home on Wednesday. Dylan Lyons, [...]

Study Abroad in London Takes Students Inside Global Communication

By News@TheU Nearly a dozen students joined faculty members Joseph B. Treaster and Gina Presson from the School of Communication for the three-week trip. They sat in on a BBC politics broadcast. Tried out the correspondent’s chair at the CBS television bureau. Watched New York Times editors strategizing on their coverage of the Ukraine war and traced the career steps of the chief public relations and marketing executive for the studio that made the Harry Potter movies. Nearly a dozen University of Miami students, most from the School of Communication, [...]

Russia ‘Using Lies and Propaganda as its Main Weapons’

By Barbara Gutierrez All independent media and social media platforms have been banned from Russia to keep residents tuned in solely to state-owned and controlled news outlets. While Russia continued bombing different sites in Ukraine, Russian president Vladimir Putin addressed a large crowd at a pro-war concert in Moscow recently and told the participants that the military actions were necessary to prevent a genocide against Russian citizens. The event shows that the Russian propaganda machine is hard at work. The country is leading a campaign of disinformation and repression, according [...]

2022-03-28T12:37:51-04:00March 28, 2022|Journalism, Public Relations|

Invasion of Ukraine Highlights Social Media’s Role in War

By Barbara Gutierrez New technologies have increased access for everyone to stories, images, and videos chronicling Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and the resulting destruction and misery. During the unprecedented incursion that Russia has unleashed on Ukraine, the interconnectedness and the immediacy and importance of social media have been starkly highlighted. Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter are full of photos and videos of shootings, explosions, and burned-out Russian tanks and buildings. There are also videos of protests from Berlin to St. Petersburg, abandoned bodies of soldiers, and a stream of [...]

Student-Produced Shows Nominated for College Television Awards

By Barbara Gutierrez UMTV’s SportsDesk and NewsVision—along with the 15 students who worked on the shows—have been nominated for Television Academy Foundation awards.Two University of Miami television shows have received nominations for the Television Academy Foundation’s 41st College Television Awards, which recognize excellence in student-produced programs from colleges and universities nationwide. The competition, considered the Emmys of college productions, will announce winners at the awards ceremony on March 26. The University’s nominations are in the “News and Sports” category for NewsVision and SportsDesk, two student-produced shows on UMTV. NewsVision is a [...]

Journalists Respond with Anger, Seek Justice After Four Killed in Mexico

By Barbara Gutierrez The country continues to be hazardous for members of the news media as the January murders are added to the death toll. A University scholar says that impunity must end, and the press must be protected. Mexico continues to be one of the most dangerous places for journalists to practice their profession. Four journalists were killed since the start of this year, prompting large street demonstrations in almost 40 cities in the country by angry news people who are demanding justice for their fallen colleagues. In early [...]

2022-02-03T11:35:10-05:00February 3, 2022|Journalism|

School of Communication Offers a New Master of Fine Arts in Documentary

By Karina Valdes The University of Miami School of Communication is broadening its graduate degree offerings with a new Master of Fine Arts in Documentary. Housed under the Department of Cinematic Arts, the two-year, 54-credit degree program incorporates coursework from two departments; Journalism & Media Management and Cinematic Arts. This program is the first in the nation to combine journalism and film into an interdisciplinary program. “Students will find that our documentary program is quite different than most around the country,” said Christina Lane, associate dean of Graduate Studies. “We [...]

2021-12-17T08:40:02-05:00December 15, 2021|Journalism, Motion Pictures|

‘Journalism Peace Prize’ Highlights the Risks, Roles of Journalists

By Sallie Hughes School of Communication professor Sallie Hughes stresses the importance of journalism as an institution following The Nobel Peace Prize announcement, which recognized the professional and personal sacrifices of journalists Dmitry Muratov of Russia and Maria Ressa of the Philippines. Earlier this month journalists Maria Ressa of the Philippines and Dmitry Muratov of Russia were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Both lead news organizations known for producing investigative exposés on government abuses of power at great risk. Muratov has lost six of his colleagues to murder or suspicious [...]

2021-10-20T13:24:02-04:00October 20, 2021|Journalism|

NewsVision is Honored at Society of Professional Journalists Mark of Excellence Awards

By Esther Animalu Each year the Society of Professional Journalists hosts the Mark of Excellence Awards (MOE), a national award ceremony that celebrates notable work within college journalism during the calendar cycle. Throughout all of the SPJ’s 12 regions, national winners are selected from each category. Student journalists are assessed by distinguished professionals within the journalism industry who have at least three years of experience. NewsVision, UMTV’s half-hour live campus news show, won Best All-Around Television News Magazine within the television category at the MOE awards. The award-winning show covers [...]