
Hands-on Learning at the U: Sports Reporting

By UM Admission Step into the fast-paced world of sports journalism with Professor Kaufman's transformative Sports Reporting class. Professor Kaufman prefers to call her Sports Reporting class at the School of Communication an internship. This hands-on course takes advantage of Miami’s major sports markets and allows students to hit the ground running, giving them firsthand experience in sports reporting for print, broadcast, and digital outlets. With press badges in hand, their phones on recorder mode, and direct access to professional athletes, Professor Kaufman’s students are no different than the professional [...]

Journalism Education Leaders Stand Up for Local News: ‘Democracy is at Risk’

In response to the alarming decline of local news outlets in the United States, the Department of Journalism and Media Management at the University of Miami School of Communication is working with leaders of journalism programs across the nation in a collaborative initiative. "The faculty and students of the Department of Journalism and Media Management are pleased to contribute to local news through our Community Wire and UMTV, but we know there is much more that must be done," said Sallie Hughes, chair of the Department of Journalism and Media [...]

Distinguished Scholar and Author, Ronald L. Jackson II, Joining Faculty Roster in Spring 2024

Distinguished scholar and award-winning author, Ronald L. Jackson II, is joining the University of Miami School of Communication faculty in spring 2024. Jackson, a former dean of Arts and Sciences, and past president of the National Communication Association (NCA) and Eastern Communication Association (ECA), comes to us from the University of Cincinnati where he was a Distinguished University Research Professor. He held several faculty appointments at Penn State University and University of Illinois prior to joining the faculty at University of Cincinnati. Additionally, he has been appointed as a Visiting Professor at University of [...]

2023-12-06T12:40:41-05:00December 6, 2023|Communication Studies, Journalism|

London Calling: Communication Students Spend Three Weeks Studying Abroad

By Karina Valdes London’s rich history and vibrant culture were the backdrop for a three-week global communication study abroad experience for students at the University of Miami School of Communication. Led by Joseph B. Treaster, professor, and Gina Presson, lecturer, the duo were accompanied by Ben Ezzy, manager of broadcast operations, who documented the experience. Smiling students walk the streets of London on their way to visit the Wall Street Journal. Juniors Julianna Sondon, majoring in journalism and minoring in public relations and history, and Elliott Wyndorf, majoring [...]

UMTV Alumnus Catalyzes Change Through Storytelling

Julian Glover, B.S.C. ’13, talks about his journalism journey, the transformative power of storytelling, and promoting meaningful change through impactful media. By Benjamin Estrada Julian Glover, B.S.C. ’13, credits his early experiences exploring the field of communications in middle school as a significant contributor to his journey toward becoming an award-winning journalist. His innate gift for communication was evident from his early days as a chatty, inquisitive student in the classroom. Little did he know that his natural gift of gab would later transform into a powerful tool to bring [...]

Are You Sick of Bad News?

By Barbara Gutierrez Studies show that consumers are reading and watching less local and national news. In many cases, it is for mental health reasons. If you have been experiencing stress because of the state of the world—a pandemic, political strife, killings, and extreme weather conditions—you are not alone. For many, news can be toxic, and its intensity can promote helplessness and exhaustion, experts report. A 2022 Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism report on consumers in the United States said that while the majority of people surveyed consume [...]

2023-08-16T14:56:29-04:00August 16, 2023|Broadcast Journalism, Journalism, Media Management|

Ramos Receives Top Award from School of Communication

Acclaimed journalist Jorge Ramos, who recently endowed scholarships in the School of Communication, was honored during the University of Miami Student Media Awards. By Karina Valdes With the academic year coming to a close, the University of Miami School of Communication celebrated the achievements of student media at the 74th Annual University of Miami Student Media Awards. During the ceremony, alumnus and acclaimed journalist, Jorge Ramos, was recognized with the 2023 South Florida Communicator of the Year Award for his distinguished contributions to the media profession. He spoke with students [...]

Renowned Journalist Supports Students Through Endowed Scholarship

By Jenny Hudak Jorge Ramos, an internationally acclaimed journalist and alumnus of the University of Miami, has created an endowed scholarship to support students in the School of Communication. On Jan. 2, 1983, Jorge Ramos landed in Los Angeles with nothing but a guitar, a bag, and a passion for storytelling. Ramos, a renowned Mexican American journalist and anchor for the Univision Network, developed a passion for journalism at a young age. “I always wanted to be where history was being made. I wanted to talk to the people making [...]

2023-03-09T11:47:58-05:00March 9, 2023|Journalism|

New U-LINK Projects Aim to Improve Health Care, Find Novel Uses for Fish Waste

By Janette Neuwahl Tannen University of Miami faculty members on four newly funded U-LINK projects hope to provide effective solutions to challenging societal problems. Learning to use fish waste to create more eco-friendly concrete. Creating a better model for former inmates with health conditions to reenter society without having to worry about finding a new doctor. These are just two of the ideas that four new teams of researchers from subject areas across the University of Miami will investigate for a year through the University Laboratory for Integrative Knowledge (U-LINK) program. Started [...]

2023-03-01T11:49:10-05:00February 28, 2023|Broadcast Journalism, Journalism, Media Management|