Interactive Media

Cops and Rubbers

Professor Lien Tran makes games for social change, a fun and interactive way to raise awareness for global issues. On March 24, Tran invited students and professors to play a game called “Cops and Rubbers,” which teaches about condoms being used as contraband in countries like South Africa, Russia, and the U.S. In these countries, police use condoms as evidence that those carrying them are sex workers. This is a problem because it makes sex workers scared to carry around condoms, putting both them and their clients’ health at risk. [...]

2019-12-16T18:46:01-05:00April 8, 2015|Interactive Media|

Prevention, Intervention, and Action: The Colombian National Police and the Security of Children

Brigadier General William Salamanca, Director of Protection and Special Services (DIPRO) for the Colombian National Police (CNP), will visit the University of Miami School of Communication’s Shoma Hall on April 2 at 1 p.m. to present on the issue of commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC). His presentation, titled Prevention, Intervention, and Action: The Colombian National Police and the Security of Children will highlight CNP’s existing effort and the organization’s introduction of creative methods to tackle critical societal issues that affect the country’s most vulnerable – its children.  The presentation [...]

2019-12-16T18:48:21-05:00March 25, 2015|Doctoral, Interactive Media|

Game to Reduce Indoor Tanning Use

School of Communication professors Soyoon Kim and Clay Ewing are recipients of the Center for Communication, Culture and Change's 2015 Research Award. Their project, which will focus on using an innovative digital game to reduce the use of indoor tanning among young adults, will assess the game's effectiveness on psychological and behavioral determinants of indoor tanning behavior. According to Professor Kim, “The period of young adulthood is a vulnerable one, and using indoor tanning facilities without realizing or downplaying its risk is one of many other consequential unhealthy choices that our target audience can [...]

2019-12-17T19:40:48-05:00March 13, 2015|Communication Studies, Interactive Media|

Professor Ed Talavera’s Work Screening at MIFF

By Barbara Gutierrez The camera work of University of Miami Professor Ed Talavera, chair of the Cinema and Interactive Media department, will be on display during this year’s Miami International Film Festival’s Culinary Cinema along with the marvelous cuisine of Peruvian chef extraordinaire Gaston Acurio. Finding Gaston, a film Talavera co-produced and filmed with director Patricia Perez, will be shown on Monday, March 9 at the Miami Dade College’s Tower Cinema as part of this year’s festival. The documentary is a gastronomical gem that follows Peruvian chef and world-renown restauranteur [...]

UM School of Communication to Create Open Educational Resource on Ocean Health

The University of Miami's Department of Cinema and Interactive Media at the School of Communication has received a two-year grant of more than $405,000 from the Friends of Stark Parks in conjunction with the Herbert W. Hoover Foundation. The funding will go towards the creation of a unique Open Educational Resource (OER) that will not only explain the science underlying ocean health management, but also help bring the specific work of top researchers from their worldwide field locations to university curricula. In an effort to develop "Media Building-Blocks of Ocean [...]

Producer Stresses Media Experience

Flourish Klink is a writer, producer and self-proclaimed fangirl who is now working as a transmedia producer and writer for the Hulu original series “East Los High.” On Thursday, she spoke with students at the School of Communication about her work in the transmedia field, which she described as storytelling “across multiple delivery channels” where, ideally, “each medium makes its own unique contribution to the unfolding of the story.” “East Los High” was created with the motive of exploring the range of possible Latino characters stepping away from the traditional [...]

Tableau Workshop at the SoC

On Wednesday, Feb. 11, the School of Communication and the Center for Computational Science will be hosting two identical sessions of an introduction to Tableau. This workshop is part of the VizUM series. Tableau has rapidly become one of the most popular data visualization tools on the market. Attendance is free, and no previous experience with Tableau is necessary. To sign up for one of the sessions, follow these links: SESSION A: Feb. 11, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. (3 hours) SESSION B: Feb. 11, 3 p.m.-6 p.m. (3 hours) Location: University of Miami, School of Communication, 5100 Brunson Drive, Room CIB [...]

Miami Do Tank at University of Miami: Learn How Games can Prepare Communities for Climate Change

Living in South Florida, the detrimental effects of climate change may be inevitable in our lifetime. Co-sponsored by University of Miami’s Center for Communication, Culture, and Change and the Field Innovation Team, Miami Do Tank will demonstrate how gaming can move communities to prepare and become more resilient to the impact of rising sea levels.  On Feb. 5, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., come to the Student Activities Center to play two scientifically created games, find out where they are available as an open-source resource and learn how gaming can [...]

Flourish Klink, Transmedia Writer and Producer, Speaking at the SoC

Come tomorrow from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. to CIB 4053 for a presentation by Flourish Klink, a transmedia writer and producer for "East Los High," a popular entertainment education program targeting young Latinos.Flourish has been working with an interesting and accomplished interdisciplinary team of writers, producers and social scientists to create a highly interactive program that goes beyond mainstream television programming to incorporate interactive online elements to improve health and create social change.You can read more about Flourish and her work at Learn more about East Los High, which is [...]

Grant Funds New Educational Resource on Ocean Health

The University of Miami’s Department of Cinema and Interactive Media at the School of Communication has received a two-year grant of over $405,000 from the Friends of Stark Parks in conjunction with the Herbert W. Hoover Foundation. The funding will go towards the creation of a unique Open Educational Resource (OER) that will not only explain the science underlying ocean health management, but also help bring the specific work of top researchers from their worldwide field locations to university curricula. In an effort to develop “Media Building-Blocks of Ocean Health [...]

2023-10-26T13:27:44-04:00January 12, 2015|Interactive Media, Motion Pictures|