Iconic director visits future filmmakers

Francis Ford Coppola joined students via Zoom during the University’s Summer Scholars Program.

Francis Ford Coppola at a media conference in Milan in 2015. Photo by Eldar Nurkovic / Shutterstock

By William Hanley

This story originally appeared on the University of Miami Division of Continuing & International Education website.

Khadejah Allen never expected a summer course in filmmaking at the University of Miami to be quite as exciting as it was.

When she saw legendary film director Francis Ford Coppola taking questions via Zoom in class, she almost couldn’t believe it.

“Seeing all my classmates and how shocked and amazed they were that he was talking to us was really cool,” said Allen, a senior in high school who participated in the University’s Summer Scholars Program, a three-week immersive experience that allows sophomores and juniors to earn college credit while exploring new interests.

The class Coppola visited was on the communication and media track, where students gain first-hand experience in one of three communication fields: digital media, sports communication, and filmmaking.

Allen said Coppola spoke for about 45 minutes and stressed the importance of perseverance and not being discouraged by unexpected challenges or creative struggles.

“I think the biggest takeaway from him was to just keep going,’’ she said. “It was such an inspiring conversation.”

Ana Francois, who taught the class Coppola visited, said the director emphasized the power of individuality.

“He told the students to pursue their dreams and ignore images portrayed by advertising and social media (because) those aren’t real,’’ said Francois, associate chair of journalism and media management in the School of Communication. “He said to believe in themselves because each one of them is a miracle—a unique combination of circumstances that resulted in them being in that classroom together.”

Francis Ford Coppola at a media conference in Milan in 2015. Photo by Eldar Nurkovic / Shutterstock


Francois said it was “incredibly generous” of Coppola to spend so much time answering students’ questions.

The director’s surprise visit was an example of the many immersive opportunities the Summer Scholars Program provides.

A part of the Division of Continuing and International Education, the program offers students a “crash course” in what it’s like to attend college, including courses with University professors and special guests, college prep workshops, and field trips to area attractions.

“Pre-college provides high school students with a unique opportunity to experience college before graduating high school,’’ said Judie Simon, program director. “This year, Francis Ford Coppola spoke with students in one of our academic tracks, encouraging them to use their experience at the University of Miami as a steppingstone for their personal growth.”

Allen said the program definitely exceeded her expectations.


“It was so immersive,’’ she said. “People will say, ‘We’re high school students. It’s not actually going to be like college,’ but I really felt like I was a college student.”