“The Cotton Candy Connect” kicked off UM PRSSA’s fall membership drive in the School of Communication Courtyard Tuesday night.

Nearly 40 students participated in the meeting networking activity. As they got to know each other personally and professionally, they were treated to freshly whipped up cotton candy.

The fall membership drive continues through Oct. 1. Dues have been decreased this year to $50, with members asked to kick in 10 hours of volunteer time at events and fundraisers.

“The Hamster Ball,” PRSSA’s next event, is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 2, on the campus green.

Anyone interested in learning more can contact:
Membership VP Stephanie Freire at s.freire1@umiami.edu, Treasure Caroline Levens at clevens2011@gmail.com or President Gabriela Reyes at reyes.gabriela@aol.com

Nashua Chedraui
VP of Publicity