The American Dream is a national TV show, and EMMY nominated production team. A real show, not a reality show featuring the best in real estate as THE VOICE for their markets.

The show is on major cable networks, digital, and garnering tens of millions of views every month socially.

The real estate professionals chosen to be on the cast benefit in the way of brand and consumer direct business referred from the show. This is a national network of elite professionals in real estate and mortgage.

A TV host for The American Dream will be interviewing an international artist from Australia at Art Basel at a very big high profile event. They are looking for someone to do behind the scenes photos, photos of themselves with the artists as everything is going on. The photographer can use their cell phone and will be working with the videographer and themselves.

Email with a reference, any relevant experience, and a photo of your student ID.

Deadline to apply is December 3!