The University of Miami Alumni Association announced its 30 Under 30 list for 2024. The Young Alumni Leadership Council review committee selected 30 finalists, based on the impact they’ve made on their profession, community, and the University of Miami.

The 30 outstanding ’Canes under 30 chosen were asked to reflect on their brightest memories of the University and their own achievements. Their experiences highlight camaraderie, philanthropy, academic achievement, and an enduring love for the U from a young age.

Below, six School of Communication alumni are highlighted. Explore the University of Miami Alumni Association’s full 2024 30 Under 30 list here.

Alejandro Narciso, B.S.C. ’15
Director and CEO, SDLN

My brightest moment at the U was running through the smoke with the football team. Growing up, it was always a childlike dream to act as a player and walk out into a packed stadium. When I got to do that for a 12 p.m. kickoff against Virginia, the stadium wasn’t exactly packed, but the thrill of running through the smoke was beyond anything I could have ever imagined as a kid.

Breana Ross ROSS, B.S.C. ’19
Reporter, WBAL-TV

My brightest moment at the U was when I was tapped into the Iron Arrow Society right before Homecoming during my senior year. I still remember hearing the sound of the drums in the distance as I worked inside the Office of Academic Enhancement. I didn’t think much of it until I saw a line of people coming to grab me and tap me into Iron Arrow, the highest honor attainable at the U.

Cameron Dobbs, B.S.C. ’20, M.A. ’21
TV Host & Producer, WSFL Channel 39 (Scripps)

My brightest moment at the U was being tapped into the Iron Arrow Honor Society. This took place following my third brain injury within twelve months. I had been forced to medically retire from playing volleyball with the Hurricanes, received incompletes in all my classes to take a leave of absence to heal, and felt quite insecure in my identity. When Iron Arrow tapped me, it reassured that I mattered for more than just the accolades, athletics, and accomplishments.

Elayna Paulk, B.S.C. ’16

Lecturer, University of Miami School of Communication
Owner, EL Management Group, LLC.

My brightest moment at the U was breaking convention as the first Black woman to host UMTV’s late-night comedy show, “Off the Wire.”

Sierra Domb, B.S.C. ’21
CEO & Founder, Visual Snow Initiative

My brightest moment at the U came after one of the darkest moments of my life. I had to stop taking courses midway through my academic journey due to the onset of a debilitating neurological condition called Visual Snow Syndrome (VSS). Once my condition stabilized to the point where I could function, I returned to the U with resounding determination to finish what I started. One of my brightest moments was when I had the honor of representing UM alumni at TEDxUMiami, where I gave a TEDx Talk called “What Is Visual Snow Syndrome? Transforming Anguish Into Action,” which detailed my journey of starting a nonprofit and funding medical research to help millions of people affected by VSS around the world.

Vinessa Burnett, B.S.C. ’16

Performance Enablement Program Manager,
Hewlett Packard Enterprise

My brightest moment at the U was serving as a President’s 100 tour guide throughout all four years as a student. Being a tour guide helped me gain public speaking and interpersonal skills that I use every day in my career, helped spark a love for storytelling and communication (which I later changed my major to!), and helped me make an impact on prospective students and their families. My favorite moments as a tour guide include giving a tour to my family when my brother was a prospective student and reconnecting with students to whom I had previously given tours after they are enrolled. It’s a great feeling to see things come full circle!