Centering Black and African Podcast Research

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Join us for an enlightening conversation with Kim Fox, professor of practice at The American University in Cairo, on Centering Black and African Podcast Research.

Fox specializes in audio production and podcasting, and is the executive producer of the award-winning Ehky Ya Masr (Tell Your Story Egypt) Podcast, where she works with freelance producers, many of whom are former students, on writing and editing content. In 2020, she founded and organized Egypt’s first podcasting conference, PodFest Cairo, which featured a keynote address, sessions on podcasting, and a podcast pitch competition.

Aside from her work advancing the field of podcasting, Fox also assists with managing the social media accounts for various BEA and AEJMC initiatives. She holds positions on the boards for BEA, AEJMC, the Associates for Independents in Radio, and the Arab U.S. Association for Communication Educators. She received her B.S. and her M.A. degrees from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. Fox spent decades working in the U.S. radio industry in various positions across the country. She, along with co-authors David O. Dowling, Ph.D. and Kyle J. Miller, Ph.D., received the 2019 BEA Diversity and Inclusion Research Award for their paper, A Curriculum for Blackness: Podcasts as Discursive Cultural Guides.

This conversation takes place in WCB 4027.