Associate Professor
Virginia Commonwealth University
Current City
Richmond, Virginia
Ph.D. Program
Graduation Year
Hanover, Germany
The hands-on experience at the School of Communication was the perfect launching pad for my careers, first as a professional journalist and later as a social media educator and researcher.
Marcus Messner received his Ph.D. in Communication (2009) and M.A. in Print Journalism (1999) from the University of Miami. Before earning his degrees, Messner worked as a journalist covering politics in both the U.S. and his native Germany.
While working on his doctorate, he taught undergraduate and graduate classes at UM’s School of Communication. He is now an associate professor at the Virginia Commonwealth University Richard T. Robertson School of Media and Culture in Richmond, VA.
Messner has won many awards, including first place in Best Practices in Teaching Competition from the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Top Research Paper Award from the International Communication Association Conference, and the Community Engagement Award for Teaching for three consecutive years from VCU.
He has presented more than 70 research papers at national and international conferences and has been interviewed on social media issues by various news media such as National Public Radio, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today.
Watch, listen and respond: Mobile pre-crisis monitoring on Instagram. The Book of Employee Communications Strategies and Tactics. PR News Press.
To tweet or not to tweet: An analysis of ethical guidelines for the social media engagement of non profit organizations. In M.W. DiStaso and D. Bortree (Eds.) Ethical Practice of Social Media in Public Relations. New York: Routledge.
Wikipedia versus Encyclopedia Britannica: A longitudinal analysis to identify the impact of social media on the standards of knowledge. Mass Communication and Society.
Reporting with iPadJournos: Educating the Next Generation of Mobile and Social Media Journalists. Teaching Journalism and Mass Communication.
For a complete list of Messner’s publications, visit