They risked everything. Gave all they had. Endured smugglers, rough seas, hunger, sickness and death. Some even made it. Only to be kept out. Blocked. [...]
Young Glory – Gracious Garden
brackman2019-12-10T17:27:26-05:00They risked everything. Gave all they had. Endured smugglers, rough seas, hunger, sickness and death. Some even made it. Only to be kept out. Blocked. [...]
Young Glory – Station 4M
brackman2019-12-10T17:27:48-05:00They risked everything. Gave all they had. Endured smugglers, rough seas, hunger, sickness and death. Some even made it. Only to be kept out. Blocked. [...]
Moxxie – Remix
brackman2019-12-10T17:28:05-05:00FUN THAT FITS. A sedentary lifestyle has replaced physical activity in children's lives. But Moxxieband combines exercise and virtual gaming, making healthy habits relevant again. [...]
El Mar y Él
brackman2019-12-10T17:28:30-05:00Havana, Cuba. 1980. Fidel Castro gives priority to criminals and the mentally insane to leave the country... After finding out his wife is pregnant, Ricardo [...]

Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF) Game
brackman2019-12-10T17:28:48-05:00In 2012 Tran co-designed a tabletop game for the World Bank to simulate a productive social safety net (PSSN) program that the Bank funded in Tanzania. Tran then [...]
brackman2019-12-10T17:29:08-05:00A series of 9 short documentaries featuring the health fairs run by the Mitchell Wolfson Sr. Department of Community Service (DOCS) at the Miller School [...]
Young India Fellowship
brackman2019-12-10T17:29:31-05:00Most of us have never made a movie before. Heck, we’ve just about learnt the picture-taking mantra, Rule of Thirds. Technical terms like “jump cut” [...]

Clinical Trials Website
brackman2019-12-10T17:29:49-05:00Virtually all cancer centers provide a link from their website to available clinical trials. Unfortunately, the information provided about specific clinical trials is difficult for [...]

Evaluation of Serious Games Outcomes
brackman2019-12-10T17:30:06-05:00Social impact games (aka “serious games”) being developed by faculty affiliated with the 4C focus on creating positive social and behavioral change in target populations. The [...]

Communication of Cancer Screening Instructions
brackman2023-02-10T17:49:47-05:00The efficacy of colonoscopy and FIT test screenings are, in part, a function of whether patients have adequately adhered to preparation and screening test guidelines. [...]
Life is Art
brackman2019-12-10T17:31:08-05:00Life Is Art was founded back in January of 2009. At that time, we saw that, while Miami seemed to be experiencing a growing art [...]