Events for March 28, 2022 - March 8, 2022

Debate Team UChat: Censorship

Shalala Student Center 1330 Miller Dr., Coral Gables, United States

A discussion on the politics and morals of censorship including the banning of DEI and AP African American Studies. All UM Community members are welcome to participate! Join us in the Iron Arrow Room at the Shalala Student Center.

IndieCade Horizons

Koenigsberg & Nadal Interactive Media Center 5100 Brunson Dr., Coral Gables, FL

A full day conference with Keynotes, Panels, and AMA sessions on everything from portfolios, community building, studio culture, going solo, fundraising, preparing for a career in the industry, internships, and more. Sessions include…. Welcome/ Introduction Gameshow / LIVE FROM MIAMI Announcing: Hidden Heroes Game Jam Preparing for April Horizons Playtesting Preparing for Horizons peer-to-peer portfolio review Keynote Speakers Preparing Your Portfolio: Perspectives from a Pro Fostering Diversity in the Game Industry Preparing for a career in the industry Funding your game, Panel Perspectives Effective Networking in Games & Beyond Interning [...]

Echoing Josephine Baker: ‘Touki Bouki’ by Djibril Diop Mambéty

Coral Gables Art Cinema 260 Aragon Ave, Coral Gables, FL, United States

FILM + CONVERSATION EVENT With a stunning mix of the surreal and the naturalistic, Djibril Diop Mambéty paints a vivid, fractured portrait of Senegal in the early 1970s. In this French New Wave–influenced fantasy-drama, two young lovers long to leave Dakar for the glamour and comforts of France, but their escape plan is beset by complications both concrete and mystical. Characterized by dazzling imagery and music, the alternately manic and meditative "Touki Bouki" is widely considered one of the most important African films ever made. Introduction by Dr. Patoimbasba Nikiema, [...]