Events for March 28, 2022 - March 8, 2022

‘Knock at the Cabin’ Free Screening

Bill Cosford Cinema 5030 Brunson Drive, Dooly Memorial 225, Coral Gables, FL, United States

Come catch an early *free* screening of the latest thriller by writer-director M. Night Shyamalan (“The Sixth Sense,” “Split”) at the Cosford Cinema at 7:30 p.m. Monday Jan. 30. Jonathan Groff and Ben Aldridge star as a couple with an adopted daughter who get a knock at the door of their remote cabin. The four visitors (led by Dave Bautista) inform the two men and their child that one of them must die in order to save the world from extinction. Based on the novel “The Cabin at the End [...]

Hargrove by Eliane Henri

Gusman Concert Hall 1314 Miller Dr, Coral Gables, FL, United States

This film chronicles the journey of trumpet legend Roy Hargrove’s last year as he embarks on his final European summer tour while reflecting on his life and the wisdom he wants to impart on young musicians. Screening is followed by panel discussion with filmmaker Eliane Henri. 

Basic Blackboard


This Blackboard for Beginners class will help new faculty, adjuncts, or anyone who hasn't used Blackboard previously. It will cover how to set up your gradebook, how to take attendance, how to upload your syllabus, assignments, and other coursework. Depending on how comfortable the group is, we'll move on include setting up tests/quizzes on Blackboard, how to calculate a grade dropping the lowest grade(s), how to create a portal for students to submit their work via Blackboard, etc. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 923 1658 6399 Passcode: 912576