Events for March 4 - February 6 › Open to all of UM

Journalism and Civility as Cornerstones of Democracy Panel and Reception

Lakeside Auditorium 1280 Stanford Drive, Coral Gables, FL, United States

The University of Miami School of Communication and Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., B.S.C. ’89, present Journalism and Civility as Cornerstones of Democracy. Join host Deborah Enix-Ross, President of the American Bar Association, for a conversation on the importance of civility, fostered through communication education and journalism practices, as foundational for the purpose of democracy. Dean Karin Wilkins will facilitate a panel discussion with prominent University of Miami alumni who are leaders in the fields of law, news, and workplace culture. Panelists Hilarie Bass, J.D. ’81 Founder, Bass Institute for Diversity [...]

Cafecito and Conversation

Center for Communication, Culture, and Change 5100 Brunson Dr., Coral Gables, United States

Come have an SoC Cafecito and Conversation with Dr. Florencia Enghel from Jönköping University about her work in communication, social change, and gender (in) justice in Argentina.

Everyday life, gender (in)justice and women’s communicational practices in Argentina

Koenigsberg & Nadal Interactive Media Center 5100 Brunson Dr., Coral Gables, FL

Please join us for a research presentation on Thursday, Sept. 8, with visiting scholar Florencia Enghel, an Associate Professor in Media and Communication Studies at Jönköping University in Sweden. Dr. Enghel is a recipient of the Marie Curie Global Fellowship  granted by the European Commission to conduct novel research on the micro-technopolitics of civic engagement. Her current research project investigates the everyday communicative practices mobilized by women for gender justice and better democracy in Argentina. You can read more about Dr. Enghel and her work here. Please RSVP for the research presentation by next [...]