Family Weekend

School of Communication Courtyard 5100 Brunson Dr., Coral Gables, FL, United States

Family Weekend invites you to reconnect with your student, meet other 'Cane families, and interact with University faculty and staff while getting a preview of daily life on campus.

Freeing the Press in Guatemala

Bill Cosford Cinema 5030 Brunson Drive, Dooly Memorial 225, Coral Gables, FL, United States

Organizers: Reporters Without Borders, The UM Hanley Democracy Center and the Department of Journalism and Media Management in the School of Communication José Rubén Zamora is a Guatemalan journalist, publisher and founder of three newspapers. His work has exposed political corruption for two decades, but he was arrested and sentenced to six years in prison for a trumped up money laundering charge. Zamora's imprisonment is emblematic of the outgoing administration's crackdown on press freedom, but also an opportunity for a new president to turn over a new leaf. This panel [...]