IndieCade Horizons

Koenigsberg & Nadal Interactive Media Center 5100 Brunson Dr., Coral Gables, FL

A full day conference with Keynotes, Panels, and AMA sessions on everything from portfolios, community building, studio culture, going solo, fundraising, preparing for a career in the industry, internships, and more. Sessions include…. Welcome/ Introduction Gameshow / LIVE FROM MIAMI Announcing: Hidden Heroes Game Jam Preparing for April Horizons Playtesting Preparing for Horizons peer-to-peer portfolio review Keynote Speakers Preparing Your Portfolio: Perspectives from a Pro Fostering Diversity in the Game Industry Preparing for a career in the industry Funding your game, Panel Perspectives Effective Networking in Games & Beyond Interning [...]

Media Management Association Meeting: Brian Norris

University of Miami School of Communication 5100 Brunson Dr., Coral Gables, FL, United States

The next Media Management Association (MMA) meeting will take place on Thurs., March 23 at 5 p.m., in Wolfson 4027, and will feature Brian Norris, senior vice president, SMB Growth, NBCUniversal. Noris will discuss NBCUniversal's advertising strategies to small and medium sized businesses.

James Hoffman Family Endowed Speaker Series: Why I Teach Hate Speech

University of Miami School of Communication 5100 Brunson Dr., Coral Gables, FL, United States

The James Hoffman Family Endowed Speaker Series is supported by James Hoffman, A.B. ’80, a longtime UM volunteer and past president of the UM Alumni Association’s Denver Alumni Club. The series funds an annual lecture on the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The next speaker in the series is Sandy Bohrer, a First Amendment rights lawyer for almost 50 years, who also worked in the human rights arena. At the University of Miami School of Communication, he teaches Children and the Media, as well as Hate Speech and the Media. [...]