Sophia is an assistant professor in the Department of Strategic Communication at the University of Miami School of Communication. She completed her Bachelors (International Business) and Masters (Business Administration) at San Diego State University, and her Ph.D. at the University of Florida’s College of Journalism and Communication. Her research interests include purpose, brand activist, and corporate social responsibility messages in advertising. As she likes to look at all sides of a given issue, she also assesses practitioner points of view, and their experiences in advertising agencies. Her studies have been presented at conferences around the world, including at the American Academy of Advertising and the International Conference on Research in Advertising. Her research has been published in the International Journal of Advertising, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, and the Journal of Gender Studies.
Also, please find my current journal publications here:
Morton, C.R., Dodoo, N., Villegas, J., Mueller, S., & Hyesoo, C. (2022). Advertising in times of Covid: A tight-loose analysis of pandemic-related TV commercials. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising.
Ford, J.B., Mueller, B., & Mueller, S. (2022). 40 years of cross-cultural advertising research in the International Journal of Advertising: A bibliometrics analysis. International Journal of Advertising, 42(1), 119-127.
Mueller, S., DuBosar, E., & Windels, K. (2022). From below the glass ceiling: Female perspectives in the world of advertising. Journal of Gender Studies.
Mueller, S., Morton, C., Johnson, B.K., Sharma, B., & Morris, J. (2022). Like the dad in the ad: Testing a conceptual model for new fathers’ responses to dadvertisements. International Journal of Advertising.
Mueller, S., Diehl, S., Taylor, C.R., Terlutter, R., & Mueller, B. (2022). Do CSR ads with public health messages pertaining to Covid-19 actually help consumers, advertisers, and society? Insights from the United States and Germany. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising.
Lu, L., McDonald, C., Kelleher, T., Lee., S., Chung, Y.J., Mueller, S., Vielledent, M., & Yue, A. (2021). Measuring consumer-perceived humanness of online organizational agents. Computers in Human Behavior, 128.
Mueller, S., Belch, G., & Honea, H. (2019). Testing a model of consumer purchase receptivity toward foreign products. Journal of Marketing Development & Competitiveness, 13(4), 44-62.