Randy Stano holds an Master of Arts degree from Syracuse University and was the Knight Foundation Chair for the School of Communication from 1995-2008. He was director of editorial art and design for The Miami Herald, he has served on two Pulitzer Prize-winning teams and is the recipient of commendations from the Society of News Design (including directing Best of Show Honors in 1993 which was cited in 2005 as the 10th Moment in visual coverage from SND for their “25 Influential Moments in News Design), National Headliners Club, Print, and the Florida Society of Newspaper Editors.
Stano served as director of editorial art and design at the Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, and assistant art director at the Kansas City Times and Star. He is a former Texas high school journalism teacher of the year and National Journalism Teacher of the Year, from the Newspaper Fund and The Wall Street Journal. He was a past Society for News Design president and held several committee chairs within the organization.
He has recently completed the redesigns of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the Prague Post, Czech Republic, La Nación, San Jose, Costa Rica, The Star, Shelby, NC., Daily News, Jacksonville, NC and Fort Bend Herald, Richmond-Rosenberg, TX. Mr. Stano has done numerous training sessions for the Poynter Media Institute and the Southern Newspaper Publishers Association, in addition to individual sessions at the Austin American-Statesman, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Kansas City Star, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Dallas Morning News, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Orange County Register, El Mundo, and numerous in or around Spain.
Stano is the editorial adviser to the Ibis, the UM Pacemaker and Crown winning student yearbook, and the recently created student general interest magazine, Distraction. He is a frequent guest speaker for the Columbia Scholastic Press Association(CSPA), Associated Collegiate Press and College Media Advisers organization. He is a Colonel Joseph M. Murphy award winner from CSPA for service to scholastic media, “Texas Legend in Journalism” from the Interscholastic League Press Association/University of Texas at Austin and “One of 75,” Most Influential People in Scholastic Journalism in the past 75 years from CSPA/ Columbia University.
Stano likes to travel and spend time with his beagle Shooter and basset hound Reggie. He has taken students abroad to the Czech Republic, Germany and Spain for the past 15 years over spring break or during summer study abroad programs. This past summer he worked with students from Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, in Prague.