Dean’s Student Circle

Lead tours, assist in orientations, and share your SoC experience with new students.

What is the Dean’s Student Circle?

At the School of Communication, students are at the core of all we do. The Dean’s Student Circle (DSC) is an organization of student ambassadors who represent the School to prospective students, new students, and the University of Miami at large by participating in outreach and recruitment, leading tours, and assisting in orientations and panels. Members also share ideas and student feedback with School leadership.

The DSC also offers a guidance program which connects students within their first two semesters at the SoC with students who have ideally at least three semesters at the School.

Student Ambassadors

Student Ambassadors must have at least 2 semesters completed in the School of Communication. In this role, members represent the School to prospective students, new students, and the UM community by participating in outreach and recruitment, leading tours, and assisting in orientation activities and panel discussions. They also share ideas and student feedback with School leadership.


If you are new to the School of Communication, we welcome you to apply as a DSC Mentee. As a mentee, you are paired with a DSC Student Ambassador in one of your areas of study who will show you how to utilize the resources at UM and at the School to maximize your experience. This opportunity allows newer students to form developmental relationships that help them navigate the academic, professional, and practical realities of college life.

Student Ambassadors

  • Represent the SoC in various efforts
  • Share ideas and student feedback with leadership
  • Take charge of leading the DSC
  • Has ideally been involved with a student organization
  • Has become familiar with various resources on campus


  • Within the first two semesters at the SoC
  • Will be paired with an experienced DSC Student Ambassador
  • Will learn about the various opportunities available at the SoC

How to Join

    Visit one of the links above to complete an online form. Complete applications include a resume and at least a 3.0 GPA in both the SoC and UM. All applications must be in good standing and students in the School of Communication.

    Applications are only open during the beginning of each Fall Semester.


  • Special Events (including, but not limited to: Open House, Family Weekend, Communication Week, guest speakers, panels, etc.)
  • Participate in outreach and recruitment
  • Guidance of Freshmen
  • Peer Counseling
  • Tour Guide

Meet our Current DSC Members

Aris Montero Portugal

Major: Communication Studies and Creative Advertising
Minor: Psychology
Quote: “Rise by lifting others”

Hunter Holstien
Major: Motion Pictures (Screenwriting Track) and Art
Minor: Journalism
Quote: “We shouldn’t seek to find the ultimate “right” answer for ourselves, but rather, we should seek to chip away at the ways that we’re wrong today so that we can be a little less wrong tomorrow.” – Mark Manson

Taryn Jacobs
Major: Broadcast Journalism and Media Management
Minor: Sport Administration
Quote: “You have to be where you are to get where you need to go.” – Amy Poehler

Jake Ragonese
Major: Motion Pictures (Business Track)
Minor: Computer Science
Quote: “I am the master of my own fate, I am the captain of my own soul.” – Willian Henley

Colette Belzer
Major: Motion Pictures (General Track) and Public Relations
Minor: Art
Quote: “Do or do not, there is no try.” – Master Yoda (Star Wars)

Kate Hicks
Major: Public Relations
Minor: International Studies
Quote: “The Greatest Glory in Living Lies Not in Never Falling, But in Rising Every Time We Fall” – Nelson Mandela

Mia Housman
Major: Broadcast Journalism
Minor: Sports Administration and Marketing
Quote: It’s not about how you fall down; it’s about how you get back up

Nicole Franco
Major: Psychology and Journalism
Quote: My favorite inspirational quote would have to be: “If you knew Time as well as I do… you wouldn’t talk about wasting it.” – The Mad Hatter

Haley Riggins
Major: Public Relations
Minor: Management and Marketing
Quote: “Whatever you choose to do, leave tracks. That means don’t do it just for yourself. You will want to leave the world a little better for your having lived.” – Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Laila Pettus
Major: Broadcast Journalism and Advertising
Quote: The game is going to test you but never fold. Stay 10 toes down. It’s not on you, it’s in you. And what’s in you they can never take away.” – Nipsey Hussle

Madeline Darby
Major: Journalism (Reporting and Writing Track)
Minor: Ecosystem Science and Policy
Quote: “Just because my dreams are different from yours, it doesn’t mean they’re unimportant.” ― Greta Gerwig

Aria Harrell
Major: Motion Pictures
Minor: Interactive Media and Psychology
Quote: The more grateful I am the more Beauty I see – Mary Davis

Emily Huffman
Major: Public Relations
Quote: “You have to believe in yourself when no one else does.” – Serena Williams

Shea McDonald
Major: Broadcast Journalism
Minor: Sports Administration and Motion Pictures
Quote: Hard work beats talent when talent does not work hard.

Obehi Aigbedion
Major: Public Relations and International Studies
Quote: “Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them.” – Madam C.J. Walker

Christopher Perez
Major: Electronic Media
Minor: Motion Pictures
Quote: “Creativity is intelligence having fun” – Einstein

Faculty Advisor

Luis Herrera
(305) 284-2474
Wolfson 2035