Campaigns Class
PR and Advertising students take the capstone Campaigns Class during their last year of study and create a multifaceted campaign for a real-life client.

What is the Campaigns Class?
In this senior capstone course, students create a comprehensive advertising campaign for a real client. They conduct both secondary and primary research, engage in strategic planning, and develop creative executions while selecting and executing media strategies. Emphasizing teamwork and professional presentation, students apply theoretical principles and audience research to influence attitudes and behaviors, culminating in a detailed written campaign plan.
Depending on the client’s needs, the class may include the following in their campaign:
Media Plan
Social Media Strategy and Assets
Merch Design and Mockups
Press Releases
Media Pitches
Influencer Marketing
Community Engagement
Style Guide
Proposed Campaign Budget
Past Clients
What Students Learn
Get in Touch
Interested in having a PR or Advertising Campaigns class work with your company? Contact the Department of Strategic Communication Chair, Dr. Sunny Tsai at for more information.